Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moving house.

Well folks, I have decided to move the blog. The new address will be but rest assured that once it’s up and running the quality of crap that you have come to expect will carry on over there.

If you choose not to follow me over can I just say thanks for reading this toot. I have said its really just a soundboard and motivational tool and that will continue but I hope that a little of what I have said has been useful to at least one person.

See you on the other side.

And the winner is…

Well, Sunday evening is here and, as promised, I am closing the poll. Here’s a handy diagram showing the breakdown of votes.

Screenshot 2014-02-09 18.20.10

As clearly shown the winner, and therefore system to be next on the painting table, is Relics from Tor Gaming. If you have yet to discover the world of stitchpunk can I suggest you visit Tor Gaming and check it out.

I look forward to the start of this project once the Infinity list is cleared – 14 miniatures to go.

I already painted some Britanan models from Tor Gaming for the ‘Try Something New’ event that my LGS ran a few years ago so will probably begin by re-blogging those.

Thanks to all those who voted.


Voting continues

45 votes so far and there is still one system that hasn’t had a single vote. This surprises me a little as I thought everything would have someone who wanted to see stuff get painted.

Either that or the people who play that game really don’t need to see my half arsed efforts.

Keep voting folks – just over a dozen Infinity models to go before the poll is closed.

New Year, New Game, New #warmongerpledge

It’s that time of year again where I make promises about hobby related stuff that I don’t keep. This year it is in regard to painting.

During 12 days of December I managed to get quite a lot painted and there is one reason for this – I realised I will never win any competitions so not to worry and get it painted. If a mini looks good from arms length on a tabletop its good enough for me. So my mantra for the New Year is ‘a painted mini looks better than bare metal or primer’.

Therefore my #warmongerpledge for 2014 is to try and clear my pile of unpainted metal and plastic (or at least put a solid dent in it*).

New Game – A few of us from 4tk Gaming picked up Dreadball at the recent Winter Open Day and I must admit I like the way it plays. In the week between picking my team and playing our first game I managed to paint my squad utilizing my above mantra.

So, without further ado, may I present to you The Dunwich Horrors.



'Sticky' Guards

‘Sticky’ Guards

'Hard' Guards

‘Hard’ Guards





Batman Miniatures Game – Painting update

I have actually managed a bit of brush time recently and have completed a few mini’s for Knight Models Batman Miniatures Game.

2013-12-22 16.47.29

2013-12-22 16.48.09

2013-12-22 16.48.27

These have been quite fun to paint so far – even if the fat clown looks a little scary.

What’s on the bench?

I thought I might give a little tease of what I am working on at the moment. There’s no prize other than being able to say you were right.


Less frequent than an eclipse.

I almost forgot I had this blog. I only remembered it because I have actually painted something but I am going to save it until tomorrow as it will be #miniaturemonday.

Please pop back then if you like.

Pictorial evidence.

Although I have nothing to post for #miniaturemonday that is completed I thought I would at least prove that I am actually working on some stuff.


Missing, presumed gone.

Oh dear, no posts since April. Doubt I will be up for Warmonger of the Year. Just a quick one to say that I’m back and hopefully posting something of interest soon.

#Warmachine #Hordes Journeyman League – Thoughts and Doubts

There are only 3 weeks now until my LGS 4Tk Gaming starts its slightly modified, running for 8 weeks rather than 6, Journeyman league. I mentioned the league back in September but we are only just getting round to running it after our Infinity league.

For this league I have opted for the Searforge Commission  contract from the Mercenaries book. This means to start with I have to use Gorten Grundback, Driller and 3 Gunners – the contents of the old starter set.

I had already purchased 2 of the Gunners back in September and have now built Gorten and the Driller so just one more Gunner to go – hopefully picking him up tonight from a Searforge player with one spare.

Gorten and Driller

The trouble I am having is with the outlay that this league entail in such a short space of time. The contents of the Gorten starter are only 8pts so after week one I need to add 7pts to make it to the 15pts required. This will be Thor Steinhammer and a small unit of Horgenhold Forgeguard – in total about £32. Week 3 sees the jump to 25pts and I plan to include Brun and Lug, a 9pt unit, but that is another £25 and I am unsure how I feel about spending that much money in such a short space of time, finances being what they currently are. There is a week respite till the jump to 35pts where I will be adding an Ogrun Bokur, a model I already have waiting to be painted, and a Wroughthammer Rockram to go with Thor who is thankfully only £16.

I have no qualms paying to play my hobby, just a little uncertainty about the outlay in the timescale (oh, and the fact I need to paint).

Details of the basing and painting scheme in the next post along with some feedback on how the list plays hopefully.